Tips for Guest Interviewees

We are always looking for interesting individuals who have stories to tell about academic library makerspaces, so if you know someone with a story to tell, please let us know!

For remote interviews over the internet, we typically like to use as it provides a good balance of high-quality audio, and ease of use. Zoom is free to use, although you do have to create an account with them. If you’re more comfortable with a phone, or don’t have reliable internet service, no worries, we can do the interview using your phone.

Helpful general suggestions for podcast interviewees:

  • If possible, find a quiet location for the conversation. A bedroom or office with the doors and windows closed usually works well. We recommend that windows are closed so that the sound of lawnmowers or street traffic don’t bleed into the recording.
  • Turn off any phones you are not using for the podcast, or put them in airplane mode.
  • Feel free to take notes or doodle while we chat. This can be helpful for remembering points you want to make or questions you want to ask.
  • If something does interrupt the interview, no worries! We’re not broadcasting live and can always edit it out. See the video below for a funny example of a BBC interview that had an unscheduled guest.

Zoom recording suggestions:

  • If you have access to a USB microphone or headset, please use them rather than your laptop’s built-in microphone. The quality of a USB microphone is typically significantly higher than built-in laptop microphones.
  • Please use headphones or earbuds when recording so that you don’t have any feedback sound from your speaker’s to microphone. You may want to put your headphones over one ear only so you can better hear what is going on around you.
  • Exit out of all other apps on your computer, and close all browser tabs, that might make sounds or distract you during the interview.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly: -or- +1-250-508-5795